In this municipality located to the north of the Priorat region, we find a vineyard between 620m and 760m above sea level and with very peculiar climatic characteristics, which due to the effect of heightening In winter, we often have temperatures below 5 under zero, spring is more or less rainy, depending on the years, summer we have a fairly high temperature but with a lot of environmental dryness and a not very rainy autumn.
All this causes our vines to control them by applying only sulfur powder (to prevent «cinderella») and copper sulphate (to prevent melting), which are the plant protection products that have been used for hundreds of years years, «how has all of life been done». In addition, due to this microclimate of our valley, we do not need to treat the vine with any kind of insecticide, such as the worm of the grape, which in our area is not affected.
If we go to talk about our soil, here is no longer a uniformity on the types of terrain. We have a very fine llicorella (seglarets, sarrotes, rushes …), which are the names that the people of the town give to certain places within our territory), lands with lots of pebbles (the Obagues, at the foot of the Montsant ) and other franc-clay lands (pedrenyeres, stalls, canyamas, franqueses …)
Once explained the different types of land, where we have our wine plantations, the way to work it is simply going through the plow every time the weeds go out and also to disengage the soil to avoid the evaporation of the soil. water in the ground.
Over the sixties, many vineyards were started to plant hazelnuts, almond trees … But some one remained.
There, in the mid-nineties, vineyards will be planted again. The old vineyard is in vase formation and the one planted in the last decade is already full.
In the vineyard there are some cultural techniques that make the grape harvest enter as healthy as possible in the cooperative. These works consist of pruning in winter, then at the end of May it is when they are depleted (leaving twelve green shoots per strain, approximately, varying according to the vigor of each strain). Also, in mid-August, it is depressed, that is, the leaves are removed closer to the grapes so that they are extracted and ventilated (this avoids possible rotting of the grapes) and also because the sun’s rays affect more on it Grape maturing in a more homogeneous way.
The varieties that we can find are:
- White harvest
- Garnacha blanca
- Macabeo
- Black harvest
- Garnacha tinta
- Ull de llebre «Tempranillo»
- Syrah
These are the varieties that go to the Ulldemolins cooperative. Which the winemaker does the appropriate blends to get a wine with an exquisite palate and a high graduation. This wine is called the Denomination of Origin Montsant, since we belong to it from the first day of its foundation, and this is an absolute guarantee label that what we produce within our facilities is a very good wine.
The Denomination of Origin Montsant was born in 2002, comprising the municipalities and wineries that, up to that date, formed the sub-area Falset of the denomination of origin Tarragona. Almost 70% of our bottled production is destined for export (mainly in Germany and the United States). The surface of planted vines is about 2,006 hectares and grape production is around 10 million kilos.
The wines of the DO Montsant are protected by the regulations of the Regulatory Council of the Denomination of Origin . This body is made up of representatives of the wine-growing area: winemakers, processors and the Public Administration. Its mission is to guarantee the typicity and the quality of the wines that are produced in the territory. The creation regulations, published in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya on November 5, 2001, establishes the specificities of all the wines that are produced under the protection of the DO. This regulation was updated and published in the DOGC on June 28, 2005, and is currently valid.
The control of the wines is exerted from the vineyard until it is sold. The wines are subjected to different analytical and organoleptic controls in order to obtain the guarantee label of the DO, which certifies it to the consumer as a wine of the DO Montsant. A panel of tasters is responsible for carrying out the sensorial tasting of the quality of the wines.
The DO Montsant is made up of seventeen municipalities located mainly in the Tarragona region of El Priorat and, to a lesser extent, the Ribera d’Ebre, with a total area of 2000 Ha. These municipalities are the following: La Bisbal de Falset, Cabacés, Capçanes, Cornudella de Montsant, La Figuera, Los Guiamets, Marçà, Margalef, El Masroig, Pradell de la Teixeta, La Torre de Fontaubella, Ulldemolins, as well as part of the municipalities from Falset, Garcia, El Molar, Móra la Nova and Tivissa (the towns of Darmós and La Serra d’Almos).